Week Six_Happy Are The Pure // Reflection Guide // The Good Life

posted by Church Administrator | Oct 18, 2020

1. Read Matthew 5:8

In Psalm 51:10, David writes, “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” King David saw the importance of a pure heart. Knowing that having a pure heart is something to be desired, how does that change the way you hear what Jesus says in Matthew 5:8?

2. Read Matthew 15:10-19. Jesus tells the Pharisees that it isn’t what goes in the body, but what comes out, that is the real issue at hand. They believe that what they eat has the ability to defile them, but Jesus says that it just passes through the body to the sewers (v. 17). What really defiles is what comes out of the mouth from the heart (v. 18). It is what comes out of our mouths that shows our hearts. Take a moment to do an honest inventory of the words you’ve used lately. What’s the condition of your heart based upon those words? 


Memorize Matthew 5:8. “God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.”


As you go throughout your week, keep a physical tally of the hurtful things that come out of your mouth as an overflow of your heart. Many of us have become so accustomed to saying things that could be hurtful that we may be shocked to find out how often it happens when we really try to pay attention. For an added twist, add a small incentive to saying uplifting things. 


One of the easiest ways that we can see the things of God in this world is to focus on the good things that we see. Be intentional this week about not only focusing on those things, but also speaking about them and telling others of the good that you have seen.